Solar panels are now affordable for commercial set up. Solar power is an excellent choice for commercial business whether its small start up or massive conglomerate. Make smart choices in every respect of your business including electricity. By investing in solar you save thousands of dollars by shifting from high cost utility power to low cost solar power plus bring a quick return on investment.
Set an excellent example as a genuine leader who is socially responsible towards mother nature. It highlights your company as a green organisation
With rebates from government, you can save on your bill.
We have well expert team to guide you with your solar plans, from site assessment through design, installation and support. Our cost effective and efficient systems will power your image and give competitive advantage.

Electricity is a vital necessity for a variety of commercial and industrial applications. Each of these applications demands electric power that is compatible with the system and is available on-demand at a reasonable cost. One popular way of providing electricity is to use the energy drawn from solar power to setup commercial power plants.
Commercial solar panels are sources of clean and renewable energy that require very little maintenance and have no carbon emission which has become a global concern.
Working of Commercial Solar System
The illustration given below represents how a solar power system works

Advantages of Commercial Solar System
Solar Lease
A solar lease enables your business to divert some of your electricity expenses to pay off a revenue generating asset. This is often achieved with a monthly cash-flow positive outcome for your business.
solar System
Cost of Commercial Solar System
Key Benefits of a Solar Lease
Low Upfront Capital Investment
With little or no upfront costs, a solar lease will spread the cost of the system over the lifetime of the payment plan – helping to assist with potentially positive cash flow. Often, the lease costs on the system are less than the financial savings that the system generates, resulting in a cash flow positive investment potentially from day one. As energy prices increase, so do the financial benefits that the systems generates.
Reduced Dependence on Grid Electricity
As capital is no required, you are able to reduce your organisations dependence on grid electricity with a solar lease. This will help to prevent rising costs in the future and provide your business with the foundation for storage at a later date. There is no additional cost for the energy generated outside of the monthly repayment so this provides easy budgeting and forecasting.
Opex Savings and Tax Benefits
A solar lease can provide the best tax benefits of all available finance solutions for solar. Your organisation may be eligible to claim up to 100% of the annual repayments against your tax. This can further improve your annual cash flows and provide an improved
The cost of a commercial solar system depends on:
- Load requirement to run the various machinery and equipment in the commercial establishment
- Type of power required; single-phase, three-phase, AC or DC
- Type of number of batteries required
- Inverter capacity
- Interconnected Solar Power Plant with mains – through adequate cable switches fuses protection devices and earthing cables
- Type of solar power plants: on-grid i.e. supply power directly from the plant during day time,
off-grid i.e. useful when grid supply is erratic or no grid supply at all, Hybrid i.e. combination of off-grid and on-grid
Installing a Commercial Solar Power System in a business establishment works along with the conventional power grid supply. The electricity generated by the Commercial Solar Power System reduces the power used directly from the power grid. This is seen in the decreased electricity charges in the bills from day one of operation.
When the Commercial Solar Power System is producing electricity, then the business uses this power for its daily requirements and also stores it in batteries. Any shortfall in the supply of power is seamlessly provided by the grid. At the same time, any excess power generated is sent out to the grid. A “Bi-Directional” electricity meter is installed along with solar system to keep a record of the exchange of power and the subsequent billing offset is calculated.
The amount of electricity that a Solar Power System can offset is directly proportional to the size of the system installed and the amount of electricity consumed in daylight hours. Every unit of electricity that the system produces on-site directly reduces the need to purchase electricity from utility or grid suppliers.
Commercial solar power is one of the simplest ways to reduce electricity costs without impacting your day-to-day operations. As organisations from almost every industry are adopting commercial solar, it is one of the fastest growing energy efficiency initiatives across the country. Solar can provide a reduction of up to 60% on electricity costs while providing additional sustainability benefits to your organisation.
A true form of renewable power source.
The power generated in the day is enough for use in the night as well.
Panels are durable with almost negligible or little maintenance costs.
Once installed, panels can start producing electricity from day one resulting in savings immediately.
A suitable answer for cooling modern cities and solving the problem of urban heat islands.